Future Proof Soft Skills for 2023

Its more important than ever before in that we help our employees build their skills set, grow their career and push your organization forward! there are 5 critical soft skills that organizations like yours are looking for.

How can you close the gaps as quickly and efficiently as possible?

Read our recommendation on books, videos, and micro-learning experiences that can take you there.

#1 Creativity

What does it mean for your teams to be creative?  Are they delivering really useful, original solutions to the problems your organization is facing whether on a higher level or micro level with the processes they are currently following?

My recommendations are

Book The business of creativity by Moeran, Brian  A great book showing how creativity emerges from collaborative engagements among people, genres, institutions, materials and technologies

Learning Experience™  Being able to empower your employees, require a leader who can coach and guide them to achievement is critical with Coaching for Success

Video  A great Ted Talk:  Your Elusive Creative Genius  Elizabeth Gilbert muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses -- and shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person "being" a genius, all of us "have" a genius.


The art of Persuasion is truly influencing thoughts and actions of someone to do something a different way.  I agree with LinkedIN, that this one of the most powerful communication skills that all employees need in their skill-set PLUS a CRITICAL skill for Leadership. 

My recommendations are:

Book Influence & Persuasion by Harvard Business Review this book presents both comprehensive frameworks for developing an influence and small, simple tactics that you can use to convince others every day.

Learning Experience™ As leaders, you don’t have time not to manage. Career trajectory has meant that the key core skills of leadership have been lost in translation. Building Strong Teams

Video  What he learnt from 100 days of rejection by Jia Jiang


Working with others to achieve the same goal, effectively and efficiently. Collaboration is everything, as they say "success is NOT a single sport"!

My recommendations are:

Book Ken Blanchard always gets to the point with getting out of Silohs with his book Collaboration begins with you

Learning Experience™Leading Like a Tribe Establish a proven technique of shifting culture mindset of the relationships formed inside a highly effective Team

Video  There is a rhythmic beauty in collaboration as demonstrated by dancers in this video from Shadé Zahrai


We know that change is constant.  We are hearing words like Agility and Adaptability all over our news-feeds right now in current trends of our employees.  We want employees who thrive in an environment that is dynamic and get back on their feet in the face of a challenge.

My recommendations are:

Book Adaptability:  The Art of Winning in the Age of Uncertainty This book harnesses the essence of human survival – the ability to adapt – to help people succeed in business and all other aspects of life.

Learning Experience In times of conflicting priorities and ever changing days, you can explore various time management, organizational tools and techniques to build a customized productivity plan for you Productivity Bootcamp

Video   This video shares three ways to measure your "adaptability quotient" -- and shows why your ability to respond to change really matters.


While it may be new on this list, it certainly isn’t new with my clients requests from us!  IQ is important, yet low on the totem pole of recruiting for leadership and skill-sets of our teams.  A great Emotional intelligence is when you are able to respond to your own emotions and the emotions of others.  Using this emotional information to guide thinking and behavior and managing those emotions to adapt to environments.

My recommendations are:

Book E.Q Applied teaches you how to channel your strongest feelings in a way that helps, not harms you—or others—enabling you to break down barriers and improve the quality of your relationships

Learning Experience™ This bite sized learning Embracing The E.I Factor Be a great influence by discovering what Emotional Intelligence is and why more and more successful people are raising the EI bar to stand out from the crowd.

Video Daniel Goldman, author of “Emotional Intelligence” talks about why we should be more compassionate.

Enjoy the experience of up-skilling/re-skilling and helping you and your teams boost their careers and create more joy and results at work.  Because everyone deserves a great work day, every single day.  For more skills, contact us, we would LOVE to be your choice for Soft Skills Training in your organization.  

Skills Trainer Ella Bates

Ella Bates Skills Training to create a Great Work Day, more joy and better results in the workplace for over a decade.  From Aircraft Hangers to Cruiseliners (its a great story!)  We are ready to support you and your organization.  We would love to hear from you.  Reach out CLICK HERE
