Mind the Skills Gap!

In today's dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, the success of any organization heavily relies on the collective skills and competencies of its workforce. Identifying and addressing skill gaps among your team members is not only essential for improving individual performance but also crucial for achieving your company's strategic goals. At Ella Bates Corporate Training, we're here to guide you on this journey of skill discovery and development. Let's explore how you can uncover skill gaps in your team and how we can assist in bridging those gaps to empower your workforce.

Step 1: Understand the Importance of Skill Gap Analysis

Before diving into the process of identifying skill gaps, it's vital to recognize why this exercise is so critical.  Skill gap analysis can:

  • Boost Efficiency: Addressing skill gaps can enhance efficiency by ensuring that your team members have the necessary skills to perform their tasks effectively.
  • Drive Innovation: Filling skill gaps can lead to innovation as your team acquires new competencies and perspectives.
  • Increase Employee Satisfaction: Employees feel valued when their development needs are addressed, which can boost morale and retention rates.
  • Enhance Competitiveness: A well-rounded workforce is more competitive in the marketplace, enabling your organization to adapt and thrive.

Step 2: Identify Skill Gaps

Now, let's delve into how to discover the skill gaps within your team:

1. Self-Assessment: Encourage team members to perform self-assessments. They can evaluate their current skills and identify areas where they feel less confident.

2. Managerial Feedback: Managers play a crucial role in assessing their team's performance. Regular one-on-one meetings and performance reviews provide an opportunity to discuss skill development.

3. Peer Evaluations: Colleague feedback can provide a holistic perspective. Peer reviews can highlight areas where individuals may need additional support.

4. Skill Tests and Assessments: Administering skill-specific tests or assessments can pinpoint technical or job-specific skill gaps.

5. Project Performance: Evaluate the quality and outcomes of projects your team is involved in. Identify any recurring challenges or issues that may stem from skill gaps.

Step 3: Partner with Ella Bates Corporate Training

Once you've identified skill gaps, the next step is to bridge them effectively. This is where we can  step in to support your team's growth and development. Here's how we can assist:

1. We will Tailor the Training:  We offer customized training programs designed to address specific skill gaps within your team. We work closely with your organization to create the best program that aligns with your unique needs and objectives.

2. Blended Learning Approach: We understand that different individuals learn in different ways. Our training methods incorporate a blend of online courses, workshops, hands-on exercises, and mentorship to cater to various learning styles.

5. Ongoing Support: Our commitment to your team's growth extends beyond the training sessions. We provide ongoing support, resources, and opportunities for continuous learning, ensuring that skills are continually honed and applied in real-world scenarios.

Step 4: Empower Your Team

The journey to bridging skill gaps is a collaborative effort between your organization and us.  By investing in the development of your team's skills, you empower them to excel in their roles and contribute significantly to the success of your organization. Moreover, it fosters a culture of continuous learning, innovation, and adaptability.

Contact Us Today!

Are you ready to unlock your team's full potential and bridge those skill gaps? Contact Ella Bates Corporate Training today, and let's embark on this transformative journey together. Our experienced trainers and tailored programs are here to help your organization thrive in an ever-changing business landscape. Don't miss out on the opportunity to empower your team and stay ahead of the competition. Contact us now, and let's get started on your team's skill development journey!

What do you not know, they know

Recently, one of my participants declaring they spoke 4 languages and the client being surprised.  This got me to thinking, what do you not know about your staff that they know?  

The past experiences and skills of your team are the foundation to success, but the ability to identify and embrace these transferable skills is the catalyst for high growth.  

Every single person who walks through your office doors brings with them a unique blend of skills and experiences that make them a valuable asset, you need to be able to tap into this goldmine of potential, so how?  The answer lies in understanding and leveraging the concept of transferable skills.

Identifying Transferable Skills: The Key to Unleashing Potential

Not all skills are created equal, and not every skill a team member possesses might directly align with your business. However, the art lies in recognizing those hidden gems within seemingly unrelated experiences. Imagine a team member with a culinary background from their food truck days. While it might not be directly applicable to your finance business, dig deeper and you might uncover event planning expertise, social media prowess, or even creative design capabilities. These transferable skills can be a treasure trove waiting to be unlocked.

Consider making the identification of these transferable skills a part of your recruitment process. Pose questions that explore the unique strengths and interests of candidates. 

Listening: The Gateway to Uncovering Hidden Talents

Regular interactions, be it during meeting breaks, weekly catch-ups, or performance reviews, provide an opportunity to delve deeper into their aspirations. Ask open-ended questions that encourage them to share their feelings about their current roles, future interests, and personal career goals. By truly listening, you not only make them feel valued but also gain insights into their untapped capabilities.

Leveraging Their Skillset: Nurturing Growth and Innovation

Identification is merely the first step. The true magic happens when you transform this knowledge into action. Tailoring tasks and responsibilities to align with individual strengths can lead to a happier and more productive team. This might mean reorganizing teams or introducing new projects that resonate with their skills and passions. But it also offers an avenue to venture into uncharted territory. Empowering an events enthusiast to host virtual events or enlisting tech-savvy members to elevate your online presence can lead to novel opportunities and a vibrant workplace culture.

Investing in Development: Cultivating Excellence  A culture of continuous learning can be a powerful catalyst for individual and organizational growth. Research shows that training and development opportunities directly impact employee satisfaction.

By customizing training to align with their interests, you demonstrate that their growth matters. From in-house projects to external courses, virtual classes, workshops, and professional qualifications, investing in their development pays dividends in employee retention and overall productivity.Ella Bates is your Employee Learning Specialist, specializing in Leadership Skills, Communication and Productivity, see more here

Barbie the Leader

While Barbie is a fictional doll (and a REALLY funny movie) her journey, attributes, and evolution over time can provide symbolic parallels to leadership qualities and strategies. Here's why you might consider comparing leadership and Barbie, humor me

THE AGILE DOLL Barbie effortlessly takes on various roles and professions, showcasing adaptability and a willingness to learn new skills. This versatility is a key trait of effective leaders.

SHE HAS CONFIDENCE Barbie exudes confidence in every situation, inspiring those around her to believe in their own abilities and take on challenges with self-assurance.

BARBIE THE INNOVATOR With her ever-evolving styles, careers, and adventures, Barbie encourages creativity and embraces change, mirroring the qualities of innovative leaders.

BARBIE & COLLABORATION Barbie often engages in group activities with her friends and family, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and collaboration in leadership, fostering strong relationships and mutual support.

SHE EMPOWERS OTHERS Barbie's diverse range of occupations and achievements promotes empowerment, showing that leaders can break boundaries and inspire others to do the same.

How is this knowledge useful?  Use it as talking points in your next team meeting, use as an icebreaker.

Ella Bates is your Employee Learning Specialist, specializing in Leadership Skills, take a look at our Leadership Toolkit

Vacation Burnout

As the temperature rises and the days got longer, your staff easily anticipated the summer break for relaxation, vacations, and a chance to recharge.

However, the concept of summer burnout among employees is a real phenomenon, read why it happens and how you can support your teams.

Understanding Summer Burnout

While summer is all fun and leisure, it can also bring its share of stress and exhaustion. So many reasons for this:  

Workload Management: Pressure to complete tasks/frenzied working leaves them drained.

Unrealistic Expectations: Some employees might struggle with balancing work commitments and personal plans, leading to feelings of overwhelm.

Team Dynamics: Staffing shortages, shouldering extra responsibilities.  

Fear of Falling Behind: Many employees fear missing out or falling behind during their absence. This can drive them to stay connected even during their time off, disrupting the benefits of vacation.

FOMO:  Social media can contribute to feelings of inadequacy as employees see peers sharing their seemingly perfect vacations. 

So how do you support them in the transition to this new season?

As leaders, you have the power to create a work environment that acknowledges and addresses summer burnout. Here are five actionable strategies to support your team:

  1. Set Realistic Expectations for their next vacation: Communicate clearly about work expectations during the summer months. Allow your team members to plan their workload effectively and avoid overloading them before their vacations. Encourage open discussions about priorities.
  2. Encourage Disconnecting the rest of the year: Vacations are NOT just for summer!  Lead by example and emphasize the importance of unplugging during vacations. Remind your team that taking a break is not only acceptable but also essential for maintaining their well-being and long-term productivity.
  3. Recognize and Celebrate Accomplishments: Highlight your team's achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement can boost morale and help combat feelings of inadequacy. Create a culture where employees feel valued for their efforts.
  4. Plan Team-Building Activities: Engage your team with an outing or event planned.  Foster a sense of community and give employees something to look forward to outside of their daily tasks.
  5. Boost their Skills: Plan a  motivational skills building workshop. Engaging with external training providers like us will boost their skills, deepen motivation and give them a chance to grow.  

Summer burnout is a reality that must be addressed to make sure your staff's well being is being nurtured and productivity is sustained.  Create an environment where there is always a time for relaxation, growth, and re invigoration. As the temperature rises, let your leadership shine brighter by providing the guidance and empathy your team needs to thrive during the summer months and beyond, we are ready to help you within this transition.

Ella Bates is your Workplace Learning Trainer, specializing in high impact learning experiences from cruise ships to aircraft hangers from fortune 500 companies to manufacturing plants and unions.  You are promised a dynamic experience!  Sign up for tips (no spam just tips) for how to engage your staff and keep them growing here.

Are they a Toxic or Difficult Employee?

So you have a difficult employee.  The word toxic is trending and its important we don't label our employees but ensure we give people the resources and support to have great interpersonal relationships.

Not everyone is easy to work with but lets look at the difference:  


A toxic employee is someone where their behavior negatively affects the people around them, for example they may spread negativity, create drama, and engage in destructive behavior such as gossiping or bullying. They may have poor work performance which impacts the productivity and success of the entire team.  It's really important to note that toxic behavior is not always intentional, but it can be difficult to address and correct!


This is someone who may have a personality or work style that is challenging but not necessarily toxic.

For example, they may struggle with deadlines, communication, teamwork, adapting to change which can be super frustrating.

The good news is, this employee is SUPER MANAGEABLE!

Toxic behavior has significant impact like lowering the morale of their colleagues which leads to stress or worse, burnout.  When less severe, it can still cause a feeling of tension and super friction, which lead to frustrating misunderstandings and conflict.

So whats the plan?  Have a clear plan:

Identify the behavior that is causing problems

When dealing with toxic or difficult employees, it's important to have a clear strategy in place.

Step One

Identify the behavior, behavior (not the person), they aren't a bad person.  They are a person who is demonstrating difficult behaviors that are causing problems which need to be addressed with the employee.  Possible options are setting clear expectations, providing resources and offering feedback focusing on specific actions and solutions.  When we are supportive, it becomes a collaborative, corrective relationship.  Remembering some may not realize that their behaviors are challenging.

Step Two

Get to the root of the problem, there is always an underlying problem, which may or may not be directly related to their job.  It may be personal.  With a diverse team, its our responsibility to discover the problem and try and resolve it.  Possible options:  welcome feedback, actively listen to their side of the story without judgement or prejudice.  They may simply need someone to patiently listen and understand them, in some cases this is all they need for a behavioral and attitude change.

Step Three

Be really clear, when we want change to be made, the person you  are guiding must clearly understand what you want from them, what success looks like.  A large part of success in these conversations is encouraging them to be more receptive to your questions and observations and lower their guard. 

Step Four

Again with the collaborative approach, work with them to create the behavioral changes and expectations.  When you draw up a plan that includes objectives, clear time frame and periodic check-ins of their progress including any consequences - the employee will take it that much more seriously.  

Step Five

Remember we cannot manage what we cannot measure (cheesy but true) you MUST monitor their progress.  This helps them achieve the goals within the timeline you set together, it looks like:  Getting feedback from others, evaluating the quality of their work, having regular 1:1's, using that information to evaluate the employees success.


Negative feedback can be difficult to embrace for some and people who may feel threatened can react in unpredictable ways.  So what can YOU do to support this?  Remain calm, avoid being critical or judgemental, especially if you decide its time for them to leave the company.  Keep a neutral tone and watch your body language.  When we are professional, honest, respectful and focus on facts, it can leave the employee feeling valued despite the challenges.  

Good luck!  And remember this is skills advice, not designed to over ride your HR policies!  

Remember difficult employees challenges CAN be uncovered and CAN be managed.  You've got this.

Oh and one last thing!  Be proactive, let's get you and your teams ready for feedback, create that culture of feedback being the norm, for continuous improvement being the norm.  We have a feedback workshop for that and holding those difficult conversations, we'd love to be part of your up-skilling plans for your employees!  Lets connect.

Ella Bates - Skills Trainer

The one who knows, no-one deserves a bad work day.  We help organizations from Fortune 500 companies to Manufacturing plants bringing high-impact learning experiences that create more joy and better results at work.  Connect with us

Are you really ready to be a Manager?

Ready for some scary statistics? In one study of 7,272 U.S. adults, Gallup found that 50 percent of employees left their job "to get away from their manager to improve their overall life at some point in their career."

In another study:  The Workplace Research Foundation found that employees who are engaged are 38% more likely to have above-average productivity.

And we all know that a GOOD manager can make or break employee productivity and engagement.

So being ready for management should have more thought into it than just "They have worked here a long time or they are a subject matter expert"

Yes, you want to recognize someones hard work and dedicated, but you need to make sure they arrive as a manager with the right tool box! So lets consider:

Do they have the qualities of a Leader?  Knowledge and Skills are great, HOW are they implementing it?  Can they motivate, inspire, communicate with impact, make difficult decisions, deal with conflict?

Have they demonstrated those skills?  

If not, do they have the motivation to develop those skills?  You want to be checking in with some training companies, because Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance, (Cheesy but true!) NOW is the time to bridge the gap, not when you meet the first hurdle.  

You MUST set them up for success.

How are the RELATIONSHIPS within the team already, their colleagues, other departments, customers and stakeholders?  An enormous amount of a Managers positions success is dependent on their ability to communicate like a champ, what do I mean by that?

They should be able to:

  1. Actively Listen
  2. Empathy
  3. Understand others
  4. Provide and Receive Feedback
  5. Emotionally Intelligent

How do they make decisions?

Are they able to make informed decisions based on available data, prioritize tasks, and manage resources effectively. They should be able to analyze problems, evaluate options, and take decisive actions. The super staff member you are considering promoting should have demonstrated good decision-making skills in their current role, such as identifying opportunities, managing risks, and achieving results. If the employee lacks decision-making time to check in with corporate training!

And here is the KEY, you want to check in with their willingness and ability to learn. A high-impact manager must be able to adapt to changing circumstances, learn new skills, and stay up-to-date with industry trends. They should be able to seek feedback, reflect on their performance, and continuously improve, have a growth mindset, be open to feedback, and have a willingness to learn. What opportunities are there to provide professional development, mentorship, and coaching to support their growth?  

Do they have the skills, are they willing, are they ready for the jump into people management?  Then they are ready for promotion!!

Need to bridge the gap?  We can help!  Check out our Corporate Training offerings to develop upcoming, new and existing managers!  

Ella Bates - Skills Trainer

The one who knows, no-one deserves a bad work day.  We help organizations from Fortune 500 companies to Manufacturing plants bringing high-impact learning experiences that create more joy and better results at work.  Connect with us

Time to Manage the Boss

Managing your boss may sound like a daunting task, but it's a skill that can take your career to new heights! Knowing how to manage upwards means being able to communicate effectively, anticipate your boss's needs, and align your work with their goals. It's all about building a strong relationship with your boss and ensuring mutual success. So, don't underestimate the power of managing upwards - it could be the key to unlocking your full potential in the workplace.

Our TOP 5 Ways to Manage Upwards Effectively

  • Communicate really well with each other Communication is key to any successful relationship, and this is especially true when managing upwards. Make sure you are communicating clearly and regularly with your boss. Keep them updated on your projects and progress, and ask for feedback and guidance when necessary.
  • Understand their mission: What are your boss's goals, what are they prioritizing?  Align YOUR work with what they are prioritizing.  
  • Get proactive: Are you sat waiting to be delegated to?  I invite you to take initiative and identify projects/opportunities that align and WORK ON THEM proactively.
  • Have your Solution Hat On:  Focus on solutions when challenges arise, take ownership of finding a solution and suggestions/ideas.  
  • Build relationships with key players: There are politics in organizations, its time to build relationships with people such as other departments, senior leaders.  Things get done a whole lot quicker!

Make it your mission to manage upwards and you will see significant impact in your career growth and success. By building a strong, productive relationship with your boss based on trust, communication, and mutual respect, you can better understand their expectations, provide value, build trust, navigate organizational politics, and ultimately, achieve greater success which brings more joy at work!  

Ella Bates - Skills Trainer

The one who knows, no-one deserves a bad work day.  We help organizations from Fortune 500 companies to Manufacturing plants bringing high-impact learning experiences that create more joy and better results at work.  Connect with us

Why cant you just tell people what to do?

Thankfully we aren't in an autocratic society, nor is it 1965, but it would be easier if we could just tell our staff what to do.  We know 100% that this doesn't

  • maintain motivation
  • inspire hard work
  • retain staff
  • create an enjoyable workspace

So we can you do instead?  

As a manager, there are many ways to help your team members grow and develop their skills. Teaching and telling is certainly one approach, coaching can be a more effective way to support your employees in achieving their goals and improving their performance. Here are a few reasons why you might consider this for you as a leader:

More PERSON Focused We often assume everyone learns the same way, coaching is more personalized to be able to identify together their strengths and weaknesses and make any task/goal/plan individualized.  

It builds RELATIONSHIPS Coaching is more collaborative: Teaching can often feel like a one-way transfer of knowledge, with the manager being the expert and the employee being the student.  When you ask great question in a collaborative way, you work together which creates more commitment and accountability.  

Its hugely empowering, if you give someone the answers they need to take action/solve a problem, it creates dependence on you!  Help your employees develop their own problem-solving skills so they can grow and improve on their own.  

If you are ready to use this powerful tool  and be a leader that coaches (you can learn how here)  you can support your teams to achieve the goals and improve their own performance with simple questions.  Download your FREE guide to asking great questions here.  

Ella Bates - Skills Trainer

The one who knows, no-one deserves a bad work day.  We help organizations from Fortune 500 companies to Manufacturing plants bringing high-impact learning experiences that create more joy and better results at work.  Connect with us below!

Saying NO is saying YES

Saying "no" at work can be challenging, especially when it comes to saying no to a boss or a colleague. However, it is a crucial part of self-care and maintaining healthy boundaries. Refusing to take on tasks that are beyond your capacity or go against your values can lead to burnout, stress, and decreased productivity in the long run.

Here are some tips to help you say no at work without fear:

Know your limits: Understanding your capacity and setting realistic boundaries is the first step in saying no. Make a list of your current commitments, responsibilities, and priorities, and determine what you can and cannot take on. This will give you a clear idea of when it's time to say no and what tasks you need to delegate or postpone.

2.  Communicate assertively: When saying no, it's important to do so assertively, but not aggressively. Explain your reasons for declining the request, and do so in a clear and confident manner. Avoid using apologetic language and avoid blaming others. Instead, focus on your own limitations and needs.

3.  Offer alternative solutions: If you can't take on a task, try to suggest an alternative solution. This shows that you are still committed to helping, but cannot do so in the way requested. Offer to delegate the task to someone else or suggest a different approach.

4.  Prioritize your time: When it comes to taking on new tasks, prioritize based on importance and urgency. Make sure to allocate time for important tasks, self-care, and rest. This will help you to manage your workload effectively and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

5.  Be confident: Saying no can be challenging, especially when it feels like everyone else is saying yes. However, it is important to be confident in your decision and stick to it. Remember that it is your right to set boundaries and prioritize your well-being

6.  Practice self-care: Saying no can be stressful, especially if it goes against the norm. It's important to practice self-care and seek support when needed. Take breaks, engage in activities that you enjoy, and talk to a friend or therapist if you are feeling overwhelmed.

In conclusion, saying no at work can be challenging, but it is an important part of maintaining healthy boundaries and avoiding burnout. By understanding your limits, communicating assertively, prioritizing your time, and practicing self-care, you CAN say no with confidence and without fear. Remember that it is your right to set boundaries and prioritize your well-being, and that saying no is a valuable skill that can help you achieve a better work-life balance.

Feedback really is cool

While its important for leaders to understand HOW to give feedback, receiving it can be super difficult, even if positive.  

AND...its a really important part of your growth in life and your career.  

Here are some top tips to making it feel less "judgy" ready?

  1. Who is giving it?  Consider the source and the context in which it is given.  Is it from a trusted mentor/colleague/leader or from someone who hasn't observed your performance for themselves?  Plus not everyone has the skills to communicate feedback in a constructive way.

2.  Leave your ego at the door This is challenging at the best of times.  Emotions are simply a reaction, remember our brains don't like any threat, especially social threats.   Assume good intent, they share constructive criticism to enable you to have a better chance at more joy and great results at work and the great feedback to help you continue to be great.

  1. Keep open Remember you only know your own intentions.  We need to be open to understanding the impact our performance/behavior has on others.  
  2. Be grateful Anyone who has the courage to share feedback.  It takes effort and planning to give feedback, show gratitude, it builds rapport and helps guide them to give you MORE feedback and by more I mean positive AND constructive.
  3. Be solution focused Its super useful when feedback is actionable, don't focus on the fault, focus on the solution and like a plant, growing.  Take action on what feedback is impact focused.

Remember, feedback is a beautiful and sometimes hard gift, and taking it well can help you grow and improve both personally and professionally.  Like a plant, you can have just enough water to survive in your career, or you can be super nourished with the gift of feedback!

You've got this!

Ella Bates - Skills Trainer

The one who knows no-one deserves a bad work day. Gain the skills you need with our high-impact learning experiences, learn more

Future Proof Soft Skills for 2023

Its more important than ever before in that we help our employees build their skills set, grow their career and push your organization forward! there are 5 critical soft skills that organizations like yours are looking for.

How can you close the gaps as quickly and efficiently as possible?

Read our recommendation on books, videos, and micro-learning experiences that can take you there.

#1 Creativity

What does it mean for your teams to be creative?  Are they delivering really useful, original solutions to the problems your organization is facing whether on a higher level or micro level with the processes they are currently following?

My recommendations are

Book The business of creativity by Moeran, Brian  A great book showing how creativity emerges from collaborative engagements among people, genres, institutions, materials and technologies

Learning Experience™  Being able to empower your employees, require a leader who can coach and guide them to achievement is critical with Coaching for Success

Video  A great Ted Talk:  Your Elusive Creative Genius  Elizabeth Gilbert muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses -- and shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person "being" a genius, all of us "have" a genius.


The art of Persuasion is truly influencing thoughts and actions of someone to do something a different way.  I agree with LinkedIN, that this one of the most powerful communication skills that all employees need in their skill-set PLUS a CRITICAL skill for Leadership. 

My recommendations are:

Book Influence & Persuasion by Harvard Business Review this book presents both comprehensive frameworks for developing an influence and small, simple tactics that you can use to convince others every day.

Learning Experience™ As leaders, you don’t have time not to manage. Career trajectory has meant that the key core skills of leadership have been lost in translation. Building Strong Teams

Video  What he learnt from 100 days of rejection by Jia Jiang


Working with others to achieve the same goal, effectively and efficiently. Collaboration is everything, as they say "success is NOT a single sport"!

My recommendations are:

Book Ken Blanchard always gets to the point with getting out of Silohs with his book Collaboration begins with you

Learning Experience™Leading Like a Tribe Establish a proven technique of shifting culture mindset of the relationships formed inside a highly effective Team

Video  There is a rhythmic beauty in collaboration as demonstrated by dancers in this video from Shadé Zahrai


We know that change is constant.  We are hearing words like Agility and Adaptability all over our news-feeds right now in current trends of our employees.  We want employees who thrive in an environment that is dynamic and get back on their feet in the face of a challenge.

My recommendations are:

Book Adaptability:  The Art of Winning in the Age of Uncertainty This book harnesses the essence of human survival – the ability to adapt – to help people succeed in business and all other aspects of life.

Learning Experience In times of conflicting priorities and ever changing days, you can explore various time management, organizational tools and techniques to build a customized productivity plan for you Productivity Bootcamp

Video   This video shares three ways to measure your "adaptability quotient" -- and shows why your ability to respond to change really matters.


While it may be new on this list, it certainly isn’t new with my clients requests from us!  IQ is important, yet low on the totem pole of recruiting for leadership and skill-sets of our teams.  A great Emotional intelligence is when you are able to respond to your own emotions and the emotions of others.  Using this emotional information to guide thinking and behavior and managing those emotions to adapt to environments.

My recommendations are:

Book E.Q Applied teaches you how to channel your strongest feelings in a way that helps, not harms you—or others—enabling you to break down barriers and improve the quality of your relationships

Learning Experience™ This bite sized learning Embracing The E.I Factor Be a great influence by discovering what Emotional Intelligence is and why more and more successful people are raising the EI bar to stand out from the crowd.

Video Daniel Goldman, author of “Emotional Intelligence” talks about why we should be more compassionate.

Enjoy the experience of up-skilling/re-skilling and helping you and your teams boost their careers and create more joy and results at work.  Because everyone deserves a great work day, every single day.  For more skills, contact us, we would LOVE to be your choice for Soft Skills Training in your organization.  

Skills Trainer Ella Bates

Ella Bates Skills Training to create a Great Work Day, more joy and better results in the workplace for over a decade.  From Aircraft Hangers to Cruiseliners (its a great story!)  We are ready to support you and your organization.  We would love to hear from you.  Reach out CLICK HERE

Leadership Mistakes that Need Fixing

You deserve to enjoy the benefits that come with being a leader. But sometimes it’s difficult to live up to the expectations of others. And the reality is that sometimes you’ll make mistakes.

As a leader, your mistakes can result in losing your successful advantage. If you use the right strategy to fix your mistakes, however, recovering from them becomes much easier.

Want to feel more Engaged at Work?

Employee engagement is a major factor in business success, so it’s obvious why your boss hopes you’re passionate about your work. Still, you have a lot at stake too.

If you’re like the average professional, you spend about one-third of your life at the office. That’s almost 90,000 hours. Feeling committed and connected is important for your health and happiness.

The only way to be concise in your Emails

How many emails do you get a day? According to research the average person gets a sends around 121 business emails per day (see where I found this crazy statistic here). Time being the most precious resource in this world, it is more than ever more important that we get concise with what we have to say.

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5 Reasons for a Lunch & Learn This Season

Make sure to read to the bottom, we have a FREE resource for you too!

Reason One MAGIC OF BEING INFORMAL  Attendees are much more open to discussion, remember and digest the knowledge better and they can become popular if you make them quick, engaging and fun

Reason Two  REINFORCES COMPANY CULTURE If you create quick engaging and fun skill building sessions like a lunch and learn (virtual or LIVE), they will remember them and likely attend more which helps skill build, overall satisfaction and in turn brings in great results!

lunch and learn

lunch and learn

Reason Three  Our Lunch & Learn Sessions ARE ON SALE!  For December ONLY we are offering ANY Micro-Learning Experience Virtually with NO cap on participants for only $500 a session!!! START THE CAR!  Contact us before end of the day Cyber Monday!

Reason Four GREAT USE OF TIME!  Time is limited.  Networking, Social Learning, being Engaged and having fun?!  Who doesn’t want that in their day?  Time is limited and associate learning and all these fabulous feelings with lunch and you have created a wonderful use of time. 

Training Session

Training Session

Reason Five  ADVANCES OTHER INITIATIVES Do you have compliance sessions coming up?  Succession plan training?  Upskilling etc…  This is an opportunity to showcase how interesting and informative and IMPACTFUL learning can be. 

We have over 100 Lunch & Learn and Micro Learning Experiences, from Embracing the EI factor to the Enigma of Efficiency, check them out here

Ready to learn more?  Download our FREE Lunch and Learn PDF on how to make it the most impactful session for your teams!

Click for FREE DOwnload

Download Free Guide - Lunch & Learn

Ella Bates - Skills Trainer (The one who knows no-one deserves a bad work day)

We provide high impact learning experiences to create more joy and better results in the workplace

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5 Reasons for a Lunch & Learn This Season

Make sure to read to the bottom, we have a FREE resource for you too!

Reason One MAGIC OF BEING INFORMAL  Attendees are much more open to discussion, remember and digest the knowledge better and they can become popular if you make them quick, engaging and fun

Reason Two  REINFORCES COMPANY CULTURE If you create quick engaging and fun skill building sessions like a lunch and learn (virtual or LIVE), they will remember them and likely attend more which helps skill build, overall satisfaction and in turn brings in great results!

lunch and learn

lunch and learn

Reason Three  Our Lunch & Learn Sessions ARE ON SALE!  For December ONLY we are offering ANY Micro-Learning Experience Virtually with NO cap on participants for only $500 a session!!! START THE CAR!  Contact us before end of the day Cyber Monday!

Reason Four GREAT USE OF TIME!  Time is limited.  Networking, Social Learning, being Engaged and having fun?!  Who doesn’t want that in their day?  Time is limited and associate learning and all these fabulous feelings with lunch and you have created a wonderful use of time. 

Training Session

Training Session

Reason Five  ADVANCES OTHER INITIATIVES Do you have compliance sessions coming up?  Succession plan training?  Upskilling etc…  This is an opportunity to showcase how interesting and informative and IMPACTFUL learning can be. 

We have over 100 Lunch & Learn and Micro Learning Experiences, from Embracing the EI factor to the Enigma of Efficiency, check them out here

Ready to learn more?  Download our FREE Lunch and Learn PDF on how to make it the most impactful session for your teams!

Click for FREE DOwnload

Download Free Guide - Lunch & Learn

Learning Expert, Master Trainer & Growth Coach

Ella Bates Helping busy people since 1998, create the best day possible with our high impact learning experiences at ebacademyonline and creating the best day at work at ellabates.com

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Give the gift of Knowledge

In my experience, the number 1 learning practice within a high impact business is the culture of sharing knowledge! 

In order to super charge the power that comes with knowledge it must be shared with others.  Remember, knowledge is only potential power, until MASSIVE action is taken upon the knowledge it holds little charge.  The first action is to SHARE THE KNOWLEDGE, so how can you do this effectively in your business?

Encourage a Knowledge Sharing Culture During your meetings, ask people to share what they have learnt that week.  This can be something as simple as a book they read or a podcast they listened to.  One nuggat of information can have a MASSIVE domino effect, just look at the power of the word WHY started off by Simon Sinek, plant the seed!

If someone is attending a workshop, encourage them to do a short Teach-Back of their key learning!  This can be in the form of a written blog, a quick video capturing the momentum directly after the learning, or a formal presentation.  The beauty of the teach back, is the staff on the front line will be well equipped to know exactly what is ‘just in time’ useful data.  This will position your team member as a knowledgeable expert, raising their status and encouraging them to share more.  Plus encourages others to ask questions of not just the deemed experts by title, but peer-to-peer expertise!

Create a knowledge bank!  This could be created in social media, on shared drives, or even in paper form.  When nuggats are shared, these could be collated into useful information for new staff members! 

Remember, We don’t know what we don’t know!  For example, a few years ago in my team, I had a staff member who we found out 3 years into their time with the company that they spoke another language.  Don’t discount the impact of sharing personal information and key strengths outside of the formal “job description”.  We were able to have that staff member create superior learning packages for our offices that had team members who spoke that particular language! 

How often do you ask your staff ‘What would be INTERESTING for them to learn?  This may be how decisions are made, who decides which coffee is in the staff room or how the accountancy practice works.  While this may not be part of their day-to-day tasks, the inside knowledge gives a MASSIVE advantage to collaboration, understanding and a shared direction!

Start the process of a growth culture with knowledge sharing!

Want to know more about how YOU can create a growth culture in your organization?  We would LOVE to talk with you.  Book your complimentary call today and lets grow your people!

Ella Bates – Master Trainer

Founder of Trainingx3™ the patented formula for guaranteed Corporate Training Success, Ella has over 20 years in the Learning Industry. If you are looking to fill your knowledge gaps in your organization, we would love to talk with you. CLICK HERE to book a complimentary discovery call. Read more at www.ellabates.com

Do you need to be in ALL the meetings?

Meetings should have high impact! But do they always? The amount of wasted time in organizations on low impact & ineffective meetings has risen. Time to take stock of what REALLY makes for a high impact meeting.

  1. As an organizer, ask yourself “do we REALLY need a meeting?” Are you holding it just because it is scheduled or is it worth the investment of time pulling people away from actively completing their tasks.
  2. Are you accepting all meetings regardless? Do you know the value you will bring? Are you the right person? Could you provide information/answer a question to them ahead of time? Have you been invited out of courtesy? How many meetings have you attended where you wonder why you have been invited?
  1. Is there a structure to the meeting? Have you requested an agenda? Meetings are taking up precious real estate in your schedule. The objective should be clear with a few items to guide discussion. Unstructured meetings are likely to go off on a tangent and invite other discussion topics, avoiding meeting the objective of the meeting.
  2. Start and End on time. If the meeting is structured with a clear objective, the likeliness is that this will be easy. If it runs late or people are late, remember the domino impact his has on the rest of everyone’s’ days, completion of tasks to deadline, stress levels etc.
  3. No multi-tasking. . ‘Presenteeism’ is a real problem in meetings. What with there being the constant stream of notifications. If your presence is required, then we should be focusing on what we have been invited to attend to.

How much are your meetings costing you? FREE CALCULATOR

Learning Expert, Master Trainer & Growth Coach

Ella Bates Helping busy people since 1998, create the best day possible with our high impact learning experiences at ebacademyonline and creating the best day at work at ellabates.com

Innovate Work Conference

Taking a Risk and be the new HR

Have you frequently heard HR referred to as the Police, the Cops and an overhead, not driving any revenue? We could all consider, instead being the new HR.  Imagine if HR stopped being risk adverse, stopped being so stringent and just policy and rules orientated and adapted with the information they have at hand. 

Get out of the bubble and into the business

Christine Song, Coinsquare

HR is more than just policies and procedures.  We are collaborators, sounding boards, people who understand others and, more importantly, understand how to help them achieve success! 

Get your head out of the policies

Christine Song, Coinsquare

The Behavior Equation – Why Focusing on Behavior Matters

There is both an art and a scientific side to HR.  HR’s major function should be to drive better business results through harmonious behaviors. 

Lewins’ Formula B=f (p, e)

Lewin said that Employee Engagement is the function of both personality and the environment and we know that personality is supremely static so we have to focus on what we can control, which is the environment in which they perform. 

The environment is created as a result of the behaviors so lets look at this like a story (Great analogies here!)  there is always a Villain, Superheroes and Impostors. 


The behaviors that cause chaos


The behaviors that cause harmony in the work place and where we should be focusing our time as HR & Leaders


The behaviors that will NOT drive culture

You can put in a new system, but it sill won’t help guide people to do the right thing

Chuck Fornell, Pizza Pizza

All conversations from HR, and in the workplace as a whole, should make the person better in the end. 

Retention of the Next Generation

We need to attract and engage the youth coming into the workplace.  In order to gain them, their top three lists of wants were:

A Healthy Workplace – Time To Myself – Networking & Mentoring


How did it feel to hear that word in a Corporate Office?

Remembering, these millennial’s have a choice coming out of skill on where to work. 

This new generation are aware that they don’t know, what they don’t know

Brien Convery, RBC

Do you have a listening strategy – what are your co-op’s, student interns talking about, thinking? 

This new generation are tired of receiving old information from old people

Brien Convery, RBC

The Infinite Game

The higher up you go, the further away that you are from the customer

Stephen Shedletzky, Brand Voice

Let’s talk leadership – HR needs to focus on the will/motivation and their resources to stay in the game.  Its important for us to remember that Leaders serve the People who serve the End Customer

Let’s strive to make the people around you better

Stephen Shedletzky, Brand Voice

We need to have the courage to lead – constantly making value based decisions that put the people first.

Managers are directing Complexity, Leaders are creating Simplicity

Stephen Shedletzky, Brand Voice

An environment needs to be created in organizations where people can feel safe to be who they are.

The topics were presented by:  Brien Convery, Early Talent Acquisition, Attraction and Engagement – RBC.  Christine Song, Chief People Officer, Coinsquare.  Chuck Farrell, VP Human Resources, Pizza Pizza Limited, Stephen Shedletzky, Head of Brand Voice. 

Is Culture Fit Dead?

The fabulous Panel discussion was led by Josh Levine, Author of Great Mondays where we gained some great insights into culture in organizations. 

Culture is continuing to eat strategy for breakfast, leaders need to share the shifting mindset.  The challenge lies in convincing the leaders to make smart decisions based on their people.

If you want to innovate, we have to take the chance and bring in something and some people who are new.  What do our new staff bring that will disrupt, can they think in our vision or only survive where we are.  Lets get specific with the way we recruit. 

If people were to sit in the lobby of your organization, what would they see and hear?

Anna Petoso, The Weather Network

We need to lose the “bobblehead” employees, the culture needs to pivot within organizations.  Diversity of thought needs to be recognized and discussed, not just Diversity of Culture.

What a great Conference Work Tango! Thanks for all the insights.

The Panel included:  Anna Petosa, VP People, The Weather Network.  Kris Tierney, VP People & Culture, Dealer-FX.  Denine Das, Sr Director, People 7 Culture, TIFF (Toronto Internaitonal Film FestivaL), Paul Dodd, Head Canadian Engagement WilsonHCG

Ella Bates

Ella Bates – Master Trainer

Owner of Trainingx3 the patented formula for guaranteed Corporate Training Success,  Ella has over 20 years in the Learning Industry within Corporate and Higher Education. If you are looking for Corporate Training with high impact and long lasting results, we would love to talk with you. CLICK HERE




Join in our growth generation!  I want to start a social media experiment!  Can you imagine what would happen if everyone were to post what they had learned each day #30daysoflearning on social media, helping others grow, driving an awareness of personal growth, sharing positive learning!

I wonder just how our social media learning will change if enough of us do this?  How our career and lives will be enriched, how we can all move forward to a well-deserved enriched life?

I would love for you to come along for the journey!


There are a lot of reasons why you should never stop learning, here are just a few of mine:


Self-Improvement is Mastery

When we decide to stop trying to better our life and learn new things, we are also saying stop to reaching our goals.  The best way to truly be a master is to look for a way to improve!

 If you are not using it you are losing it

Your mind is a muscle that needs exercise just like any other muscle in your body.  When you are used to learning new things, you then become more adaptable to changes.

Boost your Self Confidence

Imagine you discussing thoughts and ideas with confidence, backing them up with your newly learnt information.  When you put your mind to a new challenge, it can sometimes be surprising at what you are capable of achieving.  You will be able to make better decisions and quicker and you have access to all your new knowledge.

Boost your Happiness & Health

There is solid research that shows those who focus on your personal growth have lower stress levels, an improved immune system and a much better sleep (who doesn’t want that?).  Learning new skills also produces a mass of the feel-good hormone dopamine.

Broaden Your View

Many scientists believe that much of what we call creativity is simply the ability to translate skills and learned information into another setting. When you’re always learning you have a stronger knowledge base to approach problems from a different angle. You’ll also be able to make better decisions more quickly and confidently as you’ll have access to all your newly gained knowledge.


How did you used to learn as an adult?  Encyclopedia, lessons at the local library?  Night school?

Our world of learning has changed dramatically today with professional and personal development at your fingertips in your pocket.

Learning is a lifelong commitment, it’s not just reserved for children and the young.  As adults we deserve and desire to grow, every single day we are faced with learning opportunities, maybe learning more about who we are, what are our capabilities, learning from our failures, relationships and there is an endless run of new questions and new answers.

The question is, how do you take massive conscious ACTION to make sure your learning continues?


There are many many places you can learn from free to huge investments, here is a small pick of my personal favorites.

  • Everyday situations – step back and look at your peripheral, what do you see, who do you see, what are they doing, why are they doing it, go back to being childlike and look at each situation with eyes of curiosity and intrigue.
  • Your favorite newsletters. blogs and magazines. Make time to read and learn from them.
  • Guides.co : A huge collection of online guides to pretty any topic you can imagine.
  • TED Ed : A super popular podcasts and videos that bring you lessons worth sharing
  • ITunes U: Yale, Harvard, and other top universities share lecture podcasts.
  • Micro Learning:  Book a Lunch & Learn with us!
  • Youtube: Simply search for a topic you are interested in, chances are someone, somewhere has made a video about it.
  • Greatworkday: Proven successful online programs
  • Udemy: thousands of online training courses on anything development orientated ranging from free to high priced and 5 minutes to 20 hours.
  • Cook Smarts: Learn basic to advanced food prep and cooking techniques.
  • The Happiness Project: Why not just learn how to be happy? I’d give five minutes a day to that!


Day to day learning is available at your fingertips, here are just a few examples of how you can take advantage of these opportunities.

  • New vocabulary – heard a new word? Look it up!  These increases both your vocabulary and understanding of what others are communicating.
  • There is an old Chinese Proverb “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not, is a fool forever.” You can learn something from everyone, allow others to be a master. Asking is often perceived as a compliment, it shows you are willing to learn from them, you respect and recognize their experience, knowledge and perspective.
  • Share your knowledge – Social media is a perfect platform to share what you haven’t learnt.
  • Read anything, fiction or not.

Life Long Learning is a commitment, make it a habit, see every day as a brand new growth opportunity, to expand as a person and be a better version of yourself every day for a better life.

I challenge you today, find something new to learn every day, whether it benefits your mindset, your personal life, relationships, your career…..you deserve to expand as a person as every day is a brand new growth opportunity!

Your mission is to hashtag your daily learnings and share you’re your world to help them expand and grow with #30daysoflearning


Ella Bates - Skills Trainer

The one who knows, no-one deserves a bad work day.  We help organizations from Fortune 500 companies to Manufacturing plants bringing high-impact learning experiences that create more joy and better results at work.  Connect with us

Use your SUMMER Time Wisely!

Time management in the summer
SUMMER IS HERE!  Summer is one of those seasons that showcases all the relaxation and freedom of being in the sun and relaxing.  Is this always the case for you?  Maybe not and Summer Stress is very very real for some of us!  In fact, the summer season can be a huge period of overwhelm for some, childcare arrangements, summer camps, vacations, packing for camping, trailer time, family time, celebration time etc.  It’s a big upheaval for some!  Read my top tips for using the summertime to your advantage.

My top tips:ROUTINE ROUTINE ROUTINE:  Just because the kids aren’t in school, or you aren’t at work doesn’t mean we don’t crave routine, in fact, our brain CRAVES it!  We love to know what to expect.  Make the summer days just as routine based as you would your regular day, making more time for flexibility.  When you have something to look forward to in the day, you are motivated to enjoy the rest of the day too!GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION FOR DOWN-TIME:  Used to the everyday challenges and celebrations?  You can incorporate that into your day too.  Reading & Learning, Playing and Creativity, Physical Exercise, serving others – so many community events out there!  Use your downtime well and you will have a fun packed and fulfilled summer!PLAN PLAN PLAN:  Hands up, how many are thinking “summer is here and what’s the plan?”.  Have a pow-wow with yourself, your friends, family and significant others on your bucket list for the summer.  When you know what you would like to achieve, see and do over the summer, you can schedule it in!  Or make a bucket list for next year!No regrets!  Summer is ready for you, take advantage of the beauty of the outdoors, the learning opportunities, the reading opportunities, the opportunity to rest and recuperate!


Ella Bates

Ella Bates – Master Trainer

Owner of Trainingx3 the patented formula for guaranteed Corporate Training Success,  Ella has over 20 years in the Learning Industry.  If you are looking for high impact training in your organization with long lasting results, we would love to talk with you. CLICK HERE


Why ‘WHY’ Is Important in the Workplace

They’ve said that stories sell….so should your internal marketing.  People and key employes dont buy what you do, they buy into WHY you do it and WHY they should want it.

Simon Sinek believes it’s critical for employees to understand the “why” of the organization. Why did it start to begin with? What is the drive behind it? Why do the leaders in the organization do what they do? What drives them every day?

In organizations we get caught up in the ‘Busy-ness’ of the day to day, how often do we step back and look at the true purpose of the organization, how often as an employee do we step back and determine f our tasks are driven towards the strategic goals and the goals of the department, how often do we take a step back and look to see if the tasks and projects are aligned with our own personal values?

If our “why” is super clear then its super easy for our team to drive focus towards the why.

Make the difference between passion and a pay cheque.

As adults, we thrive in an environment where we can be highly productive, feel engaged and have accountability for our actions, when we know what impact we are having and the difference we are making, the motivation is higher and the productivity increases.

Do you remember “why” you joined the company, do you remember “why” your company was founded, do you remember “why” you have those projects and tasks on your list?

Everything starts with “why”

Ella Bates

Ella Bates – Master Trainer

Owner of Trainingx3 the patented formula for guaranteed Corporate Training Success,  Ella has over 20 years in the Learning Industry.  If you are looking for high impact training in your organization with long lasting results, we would love to talk with you. CLICK HERE

5 Ways to Sneak in Exercise

Some of your colleagues right now may be exercising, look around, take a peak on that virtual call, can you tell?  Probably not.

There are a number of ‘movements’ that you can do during your work day to exercise within the office, whether at home or in the corporate office and still maintain your excellent productivity record!


Pretend you are holding a pencil in between your shoulder blades and squeeze in and release 10 times

Selective Focus Photo of Man in Brown Button Up Shirt Holding Talking on the Phone


Stand behind your chair holding on to it.  Raise your foot onto your tiptoes and hold 2 seconds and release repeats 10 times


Get yourself a wireless headset so when you have to answer the phone, you can get your steps in.

Man in Black Dress Shirt Sitting Counting Dollar Bills


Need to speak to a colleague who you share the same office with?  Don’t use email and the phone its too easy.  You can be walking to their desk and asking them the question (builds strong relationships too!)


Virtual – if you dont have to be on camera, walk during the meeting.  In fact the oxygen will give you more clarity, critical thinking and concentration!

In person, why should all meetings be sedentary, especially when there are two of you?  If its informal and no major notes are to be taken, the get outside, get the fresh air, the exercise and the Vitamin D.  Plus the movement will set for a great creative meeting

Don’t let work become the reason you become sedentary by trying some of these steps, keep your day ‘moving’.

Ella Bates – Master Trainer

Owner of Trainingx3 the patented formula for guaranteed Corporate Training Success,  Ella has over 20 years in the Learning Industry.  If you are looking for high impact training in your organization with long lasting results, we would love to talk with you. CLICK HERE


Boost Your Body Language

Why does body language have the largest impact of all the ways we communicate? Because words have limitations, let’s face it, you can’t explain shapes well with words. Your personality is expressed nonverbally! Non-verbal skills are super powerful, they express inner feelings and show authenticity as they are a little harder to be controlled than the spoken word.

So what quick tips can you do to boost your awareness of body language and maximize your budding relationships with clients?

Make your handshake count Do you extend your hand first? It will demonstrate confidence and mean that you are interested in engaging in a friendly encounter, don’t be shy, be first!.Are you matching the grip of the other person? Do you reach in with your palm facing downwards? Did you know that this is considered dominating or aggressive?  A vital piece of our Body Language Program is being acutely aware of how you connect with others.

Eye contact Most of us pay more attention to what the eyes of a person says than listening to their words? Why? Connection will be greater as they will consider you more competent and trustworthy. Think about how you feel when someone talks to you without eye contact.

How do you hold your arms and legs? Do you sit with your legs to the side showing that you are open to new ideas? Or with your ankles crossed showing confidence? Are you crossing your arms, showing you are serious and analytical or hands resting in your lap showing that you are a wonderful conversationalist and are more listened to and respected?

Study others Are you aware of how others carry themselves? What they are portraying? Especially study those who you admire, your gut instinct may have been merely being aware of their body language (what they weren’t saying verbally!)

Its time to start being acutely aware of how you connect with others!

Ella Bates

Ella Bates – Master Trainer

Owner of Trainingx3 the patented formula for guaranteed Corporate Training Success,  Ella has over 20 years in the Learning Industry within Corporate and Higher Education. If you are looking to have a conversation with an Corporate Training expert about your learning needs, we would love to talk with you. CLICK HERE  Read more at www.ellabates.com

Why your goals need to be ‘Sticky’

Why isn’t everyone rocking their goals they make with such great intention at the start of the year?  The top 3 reasons why….

Not being realistic – Some of us have such ideas of grandeur and why it is great to grow and stretch ourselves taking on new challenges, we don’t want to exhaust ourselves and feel miserable in the process.  Be realistic with your intentions, do you have the support system, do you have the resources you need to fulfill this goal?  Are you motivated?

Sloppy Goals – A goal should be clearly and concisely and highly compelling.  To state that you “want to get promoted” or that you will “learn more skills” doesn’t denote a very SMART goal.  Click for our SMART GOAL Worksheet Does that mean if you get promoted without a pay rise or into a position you didn’t want that you achieved your goal?  If you complete your regulatory training required for the year,  have you achieved your goal?  Be super specific so there is no grey area.  “I want to be promoted to HR Director by  1st July 2020 with a pay rise of (Insert here) or I want to be more productive in my work day and will learn skills to be more efficient in excel by 20th July 2019 by taking courses through the LMS system and having my manager hold me accountable. 

You are not motivated – Wanting something and taken action are quite different.  You need to be in the right frame of mind to be able to take that action.  Be prepared to know why you are wanting to achieve it and focus on your why.  Having a why is super important as a driver.

Make your goals super sticky this year and be driven to take action!


Learning Expert, Master Trainer & Growth Coach

Ella Bates Helping busy people since 1998, create the best day possible with our high impact learning experiences at ebacademyonline and creating the best day at work at ellabates.com