Afraid of Back to Back Meetings? You Should be!
Why is this a MUST READ for those in Back to Back Meetings? You’ve heard of Zoom Fatigue, Microsoft recently went one step further and looked deep into the effects on the brain of those who are in back to back meetings. The image is the first part of the research that I saw…I always knew the impact of rest and rejuvenation for our teams around meetings as I wrote about here, yet this image floored me.
Breaks are critical, not only to combat exhaustion, but it increase focus and engagement in further meetings.
Key takeaways from Microsoft’s Research:
1. Meetings with breaks in-between, allow a reset to reduce the building of stress across meetings.
2. Back to Back Meetings showed that participants became withdrawn and less engaged from meeting to meeting
3 Lack of ample transition time between meetings created un-due stress.
Combat the Fatigue
Shouldn’t all meetings be great, productive and outcome based meetings? Are you or your organization facing the challenge of:
- Virtual Meeting fatigue?
- Un-productive Meetings?
- Lack of Time?
Combat this and gain focused and productive meetings by downloading our FREE PDF Guide here
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