Learn for FREE – Everywhere

Where to start learning? There are many many places you can learn from free to huge investments, here is a small pick of my personal favorites.
- Everyday situations – time to get curious! Step back and look at your peripheral, what do you see, who do you see, what are they doing, why are they doing it, go back to being childlike and look at each situation with eyes of curiosity and intrigue.
- Your favorite newsletters. blogs and magazines. Make time to read and learn from them.
- Guides.co : A huge collection of online guides to pretty any topic you can imagine.
- TED Ed : A super popular podcasts and videos that bring you lessons worth sharing
- ITunes U: Yale, Harvard, and other top universities share lecture podcasts.

- Youtube: Simply search for a topic you are interested in, chances are someone, somewhere has made a video about it.
- Udemy: Thousands of online training courses on anything development orientated ranging from free to high priced and 5 minutes to 20 hours.

- Cook Smarts:Learn basic to advanced food prep and cooking techniques.
- The Happiness Project: Why not just learn how to be happy? I’d give five minutes a day to that!

Are you confused with where to start first in your area of growth? Check out our FREE balance wheel exercise, get those wheels turning!

Ella Bates creating inspiring online learning experiences www.ebacdemyonline.com Connect with us on LinkedIn