
Tips To Prevent Burnout

Websters dictionary defines Burnout as meaning:  “Exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.”

There are two huge reasons this happens:

1.  We lack motivation

2.  We lack rejuvenation

Here are our 5 tips to prevent Burning Out:

TIP ONE:  Learn to manage stress levels

What do you do to help emotional balance?  Do you meditate, read, nap, exercise, go for a brisk walk?  Learning to manage your stress levels not only prevents burnout but manages your productivity, it is a critical skill.

TIP TWO:  Determine what is important to you

Do you know what is important to you?  Do you know what is valuable in your career, in your life.  Are you working on the valuable.  When you spend your time on high valued activities you increase your satisfaction levels.

TIP THREE:  Who is your Cheerleading Team

Do you have a support system?  In the workplace, is your Manager or are your peers in the know of your projects and tasks, are they motivating you to do better?  As an Entrepreneur, do you have an Accountability Partner, do you share with your spouse?  There is nothing more lonely that being deep into a project that no one else has a vested interest in.  Find your support system, the Project Team, Your Manager, Your Spouse, Other Business Owners, a Networking Support System.

TIP FOUR:   Schedule Free Time

Take a look at your schedule, it is back to back, project to project, meeting to meeting?  Your day deserves white space, for critical thinking, for creative thinking, for rejuvenation, for biological reasons, for socialization, for personal activities.

TIP FIVE:  Know your Symptoms

Learn to recognize when the symptoms flare up.  Are you uninterested in your work, do you find yourself not contributing in conversation.  Learn to recognizing the symptoms and take the much-needed rest and rejuvenation for both mental and physical reasons.

Ella Bates

Ella Bates – Master Trainer

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