Give the gift of Knowledge

In my experience, the number 1 learning practice within a high impact business is the culture of sharing knowledge! 

In order to super charge the power that comes with knowledge it must be shared with others.  Remember, knowledge is only potential power, until MASSIVE action is taken upon the knowledge it holds little charge.  The first action is to SHARE THE KNOWLEDGE, so how can you do this effectively in your business?

Encourage a Knowledge Sharing Culture During your meetings, ask people to share what they have learnt that week.  This can be something as simple as a book they read or a podcast they listened to.  One nuggat of information can have a MASSIVE domino effect, just look at the power of the word WHY started off by Simon Sinek, plant the seed!

If someone is attending a workshop, encourage them to do a short Teach-Back of their key learning!  This can be in the form of a written blog, a quick video capturing the momentum directly after the learning, or a formal presentation.  The beauty of the teach back, is the staff on the front line will be well equipped to know exactly what is ‘just in time’ useful data.  This will position your team member as a knowledgeable expert, raising their status and encouraging them to share more.  Plus encourages others to ask questions of not just the deemed experts by title, but peer-to-peer expertise!

Create a knowledge bank!  This could be created in social media, on shared drives, or even in paper form.  When nuggats are shared, these could be collated into useful information for new staff members! 

Remember, We don’t know what we don’t know!  For example, a few years ago in my team, I had a staff member who we found out 3 years into their time with the company that they spoke another language.  Don’t discount the impact of sharing personal information and key strengths outside of the formal “job description”.  We were able to have that staff member create superior learning packages for our offices that had team members who spoke that particular language! 

How often do you ask your staff ‘What would be INTERESTING for them to learn?  This may be how decisions are made, who decides which coffee is in the staff room or how the accountancy practice works.  While this may not be part of their day-to-day tasks, the inside knowledge gives a MASSIVE advantage to collaboration, understanding and a shared direction!

Start the process of a growth culture with knowledge sharing!

Want to know more about how YOU can create a growth culture in your organization?  We would LOVE to talk with you.  Book your complimentary call today and lets grow your people!

Ella Bates – Master Trainer

Founder of Trainingx3™ the patented formula for guaranteed Corporate Training Success, Ella has over 20 years in the Learning Industry. If you are looking to fill your knowledge gaps in your organization, we would love to talk with you. CLICK HERE to book a complimentary discovery call. Read more at

Innovate Work Conference

Taking a Risk and be the new HR

Have you frequently heard HR referred to as the Police, the Cops and an overhead, not driving any revenue? We could all consider, instead being the new HR.  Imagine if HR stopped being risk adverse, stopped being so stringent and just policy and rules orientated and adapted with the information they have at hand. 

Get out of the bubble and into the business

Christine Song, Coinsquare

HR is more than just policies and procedures.  We are collaborators, sounding boards, people who understand others and, more importantly, understand how to help them achieve success! 

Get your head out of the policies

Christine Song, Coinsquare

The Behavior Equation – Why Focusing on Behavior Matters

There is both an art and a scientific side to HR.  HR’s major function should be to drive better business results through harmonious behaviors. 

Lewins’ Formula B=f (p, e)

Lewin said that Employee Engagement is the function of both personality and the environment and we know that personality is supremely static so we have to focus on what we can control, which is the environment in which they perform. 

The environment is created as a result of the behaviors so lets look at this like a story (Great analogies here!)  there is always a Villain, Superheroes and Impostors. 


The behaviors that cause chaos


The behaviors that cause harmony in the work place and where we should be focusing our time as HR & Leaders


The behaviors that will NOT drive culture

You can put in a new system, but it sill won’t help guide people to do the right thing

Chuck Fornell, Pizza Pizza

All conversations from HR, and in the workplace as a whole, should make the person better in the end. 

Retention of the Next Generation

We need to attract and engage the youth coming into the workplace.  In order to gain them, their top three lists of wants were:

A Healthy Workplace – Time To Myself – Networking & Mentoring


How did it feel to hear that word in a Corporate Office?

Remembering, these millennial’s have a choice coming out of skill on where to work. 

This new generation are aware that they don’t know, what they don’t know

Brien Convery, RBC

Do you have a listening strategy – what are your co-op’s, student interns talking about, thinking? 

This new generation are tired of receiving old information from old people

Brien Convery, RBC

The Infinite Game

The higher up you go, the further away that you are from the customer

Stephen Shedletzky, Brand Voice

Let’s talk leadership – HR needs to focus on the will/motivation and their resources to stay in the game.  Its important for us to remember that Leaders serve the People who serve the End Customer

Let’s strive to make the people around you better

Stephen Shedletzky, Brand Voice

We need to have the courage to lead – constantly making value based decisions that put the people first.

Managers are directing Complexity, Leaders are creating Simplicity

Stephen Shedletzky, Brand Voice

An environment needs to be created in organizations where people can feel safe to be who they are.

The topics were presented by:  Brien Convery, Early Talent Acquisition, Attraction and Engagement – RBC.  Christine Song, Chief People Officer, Coinsquare.  Chuck Farrell, VP Human Resources, Pizza Pizza Limited, Stephen Shedletzky, Head of Brand Voice. 

Is Culture Fit Dead?

The fabulous Panel discussion was led by Josh Levine, Author of Great Mondays where we gained some great insights into culture in organizations. 

Culture is continuing to eat strategy for breakfast, leaders need to share the shifting mindset.  The challenge lies in convincing the leaders to make smart decisions based on their people.

If you want to innovate, we have to take the chance and bring in something and some people who are new.  What do our new staff bring that will disrupt, can they think in our vision or only survive where we are.  Lets get specific with the way we recruit. 

If people were to sit in the lobby of your organization, what would they see and hear?

Anna Petoso, The Weather Network

We need to lose the “bobblehead” employees, the culture needs to pivot within organizations.  Diversity of thought needs to be recognized and discussed, not just Diversity of Culture.

What a great Conference Work Tango! Thanks for all the insights.

The Panel included:  Anna Petosa, VP People, The Weather Network.  Kris Tierney, VP People & Culture, Dealer-FX.  Denine Das, Sr Director, People 7 Culture, TIFF (Toronto Internaitonal Film FestivaL), Paul Dodd, Head Canadian Engagement WilsonHCG

Ella Bates

Ella Bates – Master Trainer

Owner of Trainingx3 the patented formula for guaranteed Corporate Training Success,  Ella has over 20 years in the Learning Industry within Corporate and Higher Education. If you are looking for Corporate Training with high impact and long lasting results, we would love to talk with you. CLICK HERE


Why your goals need to be ‘Sticky’

Why isn’t everyone rocking their goals they make with such great intention at the start of the year?  The top 3 reasons why….

Not being realistic – Some of us have such ideas of grandeur and why it is great to grow and stretch ourselves taking on new challenges, we don’t want to exhaust ourselves and feel miserable in the process.  Be realistic with your intentions, do you have the support system, do you have the resources you need to fulfill this goal?  Are you motivated?

Sloppy Goals – A goal should be clearly and concisely and highly compelling.  To state that you “want to get promoted” or that you will “learn more skills” doesn’t denote a very SMART goal.  Click for our SMART GOAL Worksheet Does that mean if you get promoted without a pay rise or into a position you didn’t want that you achieved your goal?  If you complete your regulatory training required for the year,  have you achieved your goal?  Be super specific so there is no grey area.  “I want to be promoted to HR Director by  1st July 2020 with a pay rise of (Insert here) or I want to be more productive in my work day and will learn skills to be more efficient in excel by 20th July 2019 by taking courses through the LMS system and having my manager hold me accountable. 

You are not motivated – Wanting something and taken action are quite different.  You need to be in the right frame of mind to be able to take that action.  Be prepared to know why you are wanting to achieve it and focus on your why.  Having a why is super important as a driver.

Make your goals super sticky this year and be driven to take action!


Learning Expert, Master Trainer & Growth Coach

Ella Bates Helping busy people since 1998, create the best day possible with our high impact learning experiences at ebacademyonline and creating the best day at work at