Prep before the holidays

Holiday Prep Day

It’s not unusual for people to burn themselves out leading to the holiday period ready to be in a position to enjoy the holiday, only to find themselves too burnt out.  Use the next few days to check in on this list:

Tidy your work area

This does NOT mean that you have to have inbox zero or an empty to-do list, reduce that pressure now.  Simply take 10 minutes and make your space an inviting area to return to in the new year, refreshed and ready to hit those goals!

Be unique with your out of office

Be creative with your out of office, remember, some are still working, not everyone celebrates this holiday and some are on the skeleton crew.  Be informative but also entertaining, trust me, your clients and colleagues will appreciate this!  Share a quote, share a photo, share a short story from the year…

Prep for the new year

Prep for the new year

Schedule in & protect your time the first week back

Your first week back after the holidays is generally jam packed with catch up, jump starting the new year goals.  Take some time before you finish for the holidays and schedule in the time early before it gets blocked by others.  Ideas to schedule:  To-Do List review, formal catch up time with colleagues & team members, happy new year email to clients, planning sessions. 

Proper prior planning, prevents poor performance, your 2022 self will thank you for it!

Happy holidays!

Skills Trainer - Ella Bates

Skills Trainer - Ella Bates

Skills Trainer, Learning Expert, Master Trainer & Growth Coach

Ella Bates Helping busy people since 1998, create the best day possible with our high impact learning experiences at ebacademyonline and creating the best day at work at ellabates.com
